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Interim consultants
Cescia Vanhout avatar
Written by Cescia Vanhout
Updated over 3 years ago

As an interim consultant, you also have access to Strobbo if your client is using it.

Note: you won’t be able to see all personnel; you can only see employees who are part of your user group.

Here is an overview of the functions:

  • You receive an email in your mailbox with the schedule and updates.

  • You can create people (users).

  • You can create and view the planning.

  • My Time Entry overview.

  • You can export the payroll.

The Strobbo main menu in your view has three sections.

  • Under the heading “Management” you can find “Users” and “Payroll”
    Under “Users” you can create people (profiles) and edit profiles.
    “Payroll” allows you to export tasks.

  • You can also see a heading “Planning” where you’ll find the “Schedule”.
    Here you can create and view plans/schedules.
    Under “Absences” you can view absences and availability.
    The “Time entry overview” allows you to see the hours completed by the users.

  • The final section, “My schedule”, includes your working hours, holiday allocation, etc. As an interim consultant this is not relevant.

The weekschedule in your inbox

As an interim consultant, you can receive the weekschedule via email.

This allows you to see an overview of the employees planned in, including the days they are scheduled to work, their work times and the work area they are scheduled for.

Below is an example email.

You will also receive an update every time the scheduling changes,

for example, if a shift is cancelled.

You also receive an overview if adjustments have been made. You can find this under “New worktimes”.

“All worktimes” gives you another overview of the work already scheduled.

Creating a user

As an interim consultant you can also create users.

Want to create a user? Simply click on the “Add employee” button in the top right corner of the screen.

  • The following screen opens and you can fill in all required fields.

  • The type of user is always “interim” and the user group must always be “interim user”.

  • Then, click “next”. A second screen appears where you also fill in the required information and click “submit”.

You can find more details on this screen in these instructions.

Creating and viewing a weekschedule

Click “Planning” and go to “Schedule”. Here, select the required day and start creating a plan.

You can find all the details for the sidebar here.

Find out how to create a plan here.

Time Entry Overview

You can find an overview of the clock records under “Planning” - “Time Entry Overview”.

You can also see who has clocked in via the button “View clocked-in personnel”.

You can open a different week via “Go to date”.

Clicking on “Export period” allows you to export to Excel.

Payroll Export

As an interim consultant you can also export tasks at the end of the month.
To do this, click “Management” and “Payroll”.

These instructions include a step-by-step guide on how to export.

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