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New week planner: creating a schedule
New week planner: creating a schedule

week planner

Cescia Vanhout avatar
Written by Cescia Vanhout
Updated over a week ago

In these instructions you’ll find information on the following items:


This screen allows you to create a weekly schedule.

As shown here, you can always see the week in question, the date and any possible reservations and details about the personnel costs. You can find out more about revenue on this page.

This bar has two arrows which you can use to easily scroll through the weeks. If you click on a date, the option will open for you to select the desired week.

In the work schedule, you’ll see the work area and the department/branch in the blue bar.

Choosing the display settings and arranging your screen

The display settings are found in the sidebar.

Here, you can select options to make your planning and scheduling easier.

For example, if you don’t want to see every work area, you can simply select the areas that are necessary for your job. If you want to see personnel availability, click the appropriate box. “Show day info” gives you details about the weather and your personnel costs. If you work with open worktimes, you can tick this box. If you also want to see the rejected worktimes on the weekly schedule, you can tick this box too.

You can also choose to show the planned-in employees. If you don’t tick this box, we show all employees who are able to work in the work area. You can also select only to show the available employees, but only if they have provided their availability already.

You can always see which options you’ve selected above your planning panels. To remove an option, simply click on the cross.

You can find all the information about sidebar functionality here.

Your planning buttons

You can find all information about the sidebar here.

Dots next to a day

There are three small dots next to each day. Clicking on the dots allows you to copy or clear the day.
Find out more information about the copy function here.

Dots next to an employee

If you want to clear a particular employee’s week, you can use the three dots next to their name.

Note: You cannot restore a week once you’ve cleared it.

More actions

This button enables you to send reminders if your personnel have not yet responded to worktimes.

You can also use this button to completely clear the entire planning schedule.
You can also add absences and availabilities via this button.

Note: you cannot restore a cleared planning schedule.

The notification bell

The notification bell is located next to “More actions”. If you see an red circle here, your planning does not fulfil the required conditions.

You can set up these notifications under “Management – Settings – Notifications”.

These are simply warnings and you can still send your planning as it is to your staff members.

The plus symbol in the planning tool

Clicking on the plus next to “Open worktime” opens the slide-in for open worktimes. To find out more about open worktimes, click here.

Clicking on the plus in the work schedule starts creating a worktime.

When you added a remark for the worktime, this will be visible on the planning.

Sending worktimes

The “Send worktimes” button is next to the “More actions” button on the planning screen.

Clicking on this button opens the following screen. Here you find an overview of the warnings and the SMS balance. You can also select how you want to notify the employees (via SMS or email).

If you tick the “Auto approve” box, the employee does not have to approve the worktime manually.

Click “Send” to send the planning schedule.

How to create a weekly schedule

Start by adjusting the view settings to suit you.

Getting employees to appear on the planning

If you chose in the display settings to show only planned-in personnel, you can still have your employees appear per work area.

Click on the little person symbol next to work area.

The following pop-up appears. Select the employees you want to see in the planning view and click “Add”.

You will see the following result:

Assigning worktimes to employees

If you want to link employees to one work area from the planning screen, read this guide.

You can add a worktime to an employee in two ways:

  • Go to the planning screen and click on the plus symbol on desired day, under the desired employee.

  • Take a default worktime and drag it onto the planning screen under the desired employee on the correct day.

If your weekly schedule is often the same, you can save it as a template.
You can find out more about templates here.

What do the details next to the employee’s name mean?

  • The employee’s availability: if an employee has not provided any availability information, then this symbol appears by their name. The circle with a line through it means “No availability”.

  • The number of contracted hours: under every employee’s name you can find the number of hours that are planned/their contracted hours. You can adjust the contracted hours in their profile.

    In this example, the person is planned in for 00h00 of their 22h48 contracted hours.

  • The colours on the planned hours:

    • If an employee is not yet scheduled for their contracted hours, this is grey.

    • If your employee is scheduled for more than their contracted hours, this is orange.

    • If the employee is scheduled for exactly the right number of hours, this is green.

What do the colours on the planning screen mean?

  • Dotted lines around a time indicate availability.

    • Green is default availability;

    • red is unavailable;

    • blue is additional availability.

  • Worktimes with an unbroken line around them are planned worktimes.

    • Dark green: approved open worktime;

    • green: sent and approved by the employee;

    • blue; sent but not yet replied to by the employee;

    • red: rejected worktime;

    • grey: worktime not sent.

  • A red box around a worktime indicates a warning; hover over the worktime for details.

  • An employee with a red striped background is no longer linked to the workarea. You must link it back if you want to reschedule it to that particular workarea.

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