Onboarding 3: How do I add a new employee? (video)


Jeroen Vinken avatar
Geschreven door Jeroen Vinken
Meer dan een week geleden bijgewerkt

In Online Work Schedule you need to create personnel before you can plan them.
In the following video we explain how to create personnel.

  1. Choose in the menu Management - Users.

  2. Click at the bottom right on the red dot and choose 'New user'.

  3. Fill in the data.

  4. Choose at the bottom right the workspace.

  5. A new tab with the workspace will appear. Here you can fill in among others in which work areas this personnel will work.

  6. Click on 'Save' at the bottom of the page.

  7. The new employee will appear in the overview. If you click on the edit icon in front of the name, you'll see the pin code of the time entry on the right.

You can also read following onboarding articles:

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