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New dashboard: Revenue per hour
New dashboard: Revenue per hour
Cescia Vanhout avatar
Written by Cescia Vanhout
Updated over a week ago

The “Revenue per hour” dashboard can be used to get insight into revenue, scheduling and productivity per hour. This dashboard differs from the others, in that the other dashboards don’t provide details per hour.

Find more information on the difference between the “Revenue” and “Revenue per hour” dashboards in the following guide.

For more information on how reporting dashboards work in general, go to: General functioning of dashboards

Restrictions of the period filter

This dashboard is designed for analysing one workday in more depth. It doesn’t make sense to use this dashboard to try to evaluate longer periods. If you look for longer periods, the graphics don’t give a good overview and it will take a long time to get all the data you need.

Therefore, the period for which you can call up data is limited to one month maximum.


This dashboard starts with an overview of the revenue, current hours, personnel costs and productivity.

Check here for a full explanation of all the terms.

Hourly Overview

This graphic shows the scheduled hours (from Strobbo planning), the logged hours (from time registration in Strobbo) and the ideal hours for the selected period.
We also display these hours against the ideal hours.

These are the hours you ideally should have, based on the settings in the Revenue Settings page.

This graphic provides you a difference, per hour, between the scheduled, actual and ideal hours.

  • The planned hours are the hours you scheduled using the Strobbo planner.

  • The actual hours are the hours logged via Strobbo.

  • The ideal hours (or the requirement) are the hours which ought to be planned in, which you calculated and uploaded to Strobbo.

    This is usually used in combination with auto-scheduling. Find more information on this design in these instructions.

Revenue compared to employee costs

This graphic gives you a picture of your actual revenue compared with your employee costs per hour.

The actual revenue can be automatically loaded if you have linked your till system with Strobbo. If you haven’t, you may be able to input it manually using this API.

The employee cost is calculated based on the actual hours (hours clocked) and the cost that you have configured for your employees.

The inferred personnel cost is calculated on the basis of the “Expected wage cost” you configured. The expected wage cost is a percentage that indicates what percent of the wage cost should come from the revenue.

The derived personnel cost should ideally always be lower than the revenue. If this isn’t the case, your personnel costs are higher than expected.


The final graphic on the dashboard shows productivity. The productivity is the revenue per hour worked and is calculated using the total revenue divided by hours worked.

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