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New dashboard – Planned vs Clocked
New dashboard – Planned vs Clocked
Cescia Vanhout avatar
Written by Cescia Vanhout
Updated over a week ago

On the 'Planned vs Clocked' dashboard, you can compare planned hours with clocked hours. This provides you with insights to enhance your planning.

More information on the general operation of the reporting dashboards can be found at: General operation of dashboards


Apart from the filters for the period and workspace, you can also filter on the employee's work area and statute on this dashboard.

The work area filter may include the value 'N/A'. This means 'Not applicable' and occurs when someone who was not planned makes a time registration. This registration cannot then be linked to any work area. These registrations are bundled under 'N/A'.

For the statute filter, 'Not configured' means employees for whom no statute has been configured. The filter value 'Not applicable' occurs when there are open working hours in the period selected. These do not have a statute.

Overview of hours

At the top of the dashboard, you will find the total planned and clocked hours for the selected period. The ratio between clocked and planned hours is also displayed. If the number of clocked hours is less than 85% of the number of planned hours, the meter will turn yellow. With good planning, clocked hours should be between 85% and 105% of planned hours. In this case, the meter will be coloured green. At more than 105%, the meter turns orange and at more than 115%, the meter turns red.

Clocked time per statute

In addition to the overview of hours, the clocked time per statute is displayed. In the example below, 26% of clocked time was registered by students. ‘Not configured' means that time has been clocked by employees for whom no statute has been configured.

If there are statutes that only occasionally register time, and if the share of these registrations is less than 3% of the total registrations, then these registrations are grouped on the graph under the category 'Other'.

Planned and clocked time per week

The following graph visualises the total number of planned and clocked hours on a weekly basis. This is useful for making comparisons over longer periods. Importantly, the start date of the selected period should be a Monday and the end date should be a Sunday. This ensures that the data displayed always represents complete weeks and prevents any odd results at the beginning or end of the graph.

Clocked time per work area

Another graph on the dashboard provides insights into which work area most time is being registered. The larger the block of a work area, the more time is clocked in that work area. The size of a block is equal to the percentage of clocked time for that work area relative to the total clocked time.

N/A means 'Not applicable'. This occurs when someone who was not planned does a time registration. In such situations, the time registration can’t be associated with a work area. Therefore, these registrations are categorised as 'N/A'.

Planned and clocked time per workspace

This graph compares planned and clocked hours between workspaces. This way, you can see, for example, where most hours are scheduled or where the discrepancy between the planned and the clocked hours is most significant.

You can add or remove workspaces by using the workspace filter at the top left.

Clocked time per statute and workspace

The graph below allows you to compare the distribution of clocked time between the different statutes across various workspaces. For example, you can see which workspaces use students most.

You can customise the format of this graph yourself via the 'Mode' option at the top left. The options are:

1. 100% stacked (default option).

2. Stacked

3. Grouped

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