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Dimona: manually creating, cancelling and updating
Dimona: manually creating, cancelling and updating
Cescia Vanhout avatar
Written by Cescia Vanhout
Updated over a week ago

This helpdesk article covers the following topics:

How do I manually create a Dimona?

First, go to “Planning” and then, “Dimona”.
The following screen opens.

In the top right, click on the green button “Add Dimona registration”.

The following pop-up then opens:

  • Select the correct employee,

  • Select the correct Dimona type,

  • Fill in the correct start date and time,

  • Fill in the correct end date and time,

  • Fill in the break when necessary,

  • Click “Add”.

The Dimona is then added.

Since the new version of our Dimona-page it is possible to add a break duration in a manual Dimona.

Please note, the Dimona is now created but you still need to manually send it if you haven’t activated linking with our clock-in system. If Dimona is linked with the clock, the Dimona will be automatically sent when the user clocks in.

You can send the Dimona manually by clicking on the arrow next to it.

If the relevant user doesn’t appear in the overview, firstly check that you have added the correct Dimona type to their user profile.
You can find out how to do that here.

How do I cancel a Dimona?

There are two ways to cancel Dimonas:

  • manually or

  • with an automated process

To cancel manually, proceed as follows:

  • In the “Planning” menu, navigate to “Dimona”.

  • Find the Dimona in the list.

  • Click on the red cross in the row of the relevant Dimona.

  • The following pop-up appears.
    If you are sure you want to cancel the Dimona declaration, click “yes”.

    Please note, if a declaration is made but no services are performed, the Dimona must be cancelled by midnight at the latest on the calendar day on which the declaration was made.
    For example: Anna has a shift on 21/11 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. But she is sick. The Dimona must be cancelled, at the latest, by midnight on 21/11.

Automating cancellation

You can also have an automated process whereby the system cancels unused Dimonas for you. Every evening at 11 p.m., the system cancels the relevant Dimonas.

This must be set-up in the system by a Strobbo consultant.

If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact support via the chat.

Cancelled Dimonas are still visible in the overview.

How do I update a Dimona?

If you don’t have a link set up between Dimona and our clock-in system, then you might need to manually update the Dimonas.

Proceed as follows:

  • In the “Planning” menu, go to “Dimona”.

  • Find the relevant Dimona in the overview.

  • Click on the “Edit” icon (pencil) next to this Dimona.

  • The following pop-up appears:
    Make the necessary edits and click “save”.

    You can enter a reason if you like, but it’s not obligatory.

    Click the “Send” icon (arrow) next to the Dimona to send it again.

Note: when editing the Dimona declaration, make sure you take the applicable legislation into account. To get an overview of this, click on the Dimona page listed below for a summary.

Want to automate the updating of Dimonas? No problem.
The system can update Dimonas using the time clock.
This can only be set up and activated by a Strobbo consultant.
If you still have questions about this, feel free to get in touch via our chat.

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