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Revenue per hour dashboard
Revenue per hour dashboard
Cescia Vanhout avatar
Written by Cescia Vanhout
Updated over a week ago

There are two dashboards; one for revenue, and one for revenue per hour. We explain the difference between the two dashboards in these instructions.

This dashboard also starts with an overview of the productivity and the percentage personnel costs.

Check here for a full explanation of these two terms.

The actual hours:

  • Hours registered via the Strobbo time registration tool during the period you selected and at the location you selected.

The actual cost:

  • The registered hours multiplied by the personnel costs for the location you selected.

The revenue:

  • The revenue can be input via the work-day information screen on the planning system or taken from a third-party till system.

If you are interested in the impact of the weather (temperature and precipitation) on your revenue per hour, you can also filter for that here. For example, you can find out what your revenue per day is on a lightly cloudy day with a temperature between 16 and 20 degrees.

While calculating your revenue per hour, you can also take into account the number of reservations and the number of people. We make a distinction between number of reservations and number of people because, of course, one reservation can be a table of two, four or more people.

It is also possible to get insight into your revenue per hour per day for the selected period. If you select a longer period, then for ‘Tuesday’ we look at all the Tuesdays in this period.
Hovering your mouse over the graph allows you to see the number of hours in the day.

If you want to look at a specific date, then you can use the ‘Details per day’ illustration. This displays the number of hours worked for a specific date. You can find the date at the bottom. In this example, we had the 10/07 and 38.67 hours registered.

We also have a breakdown per hours in a day.
At 22:00 there are 16.02 hours registered. Note: here we take all days at 22:00. So, here you see the number of registered hours at 22:00 for the selected date range.

This method also allows us to compare the number of hours between two days using the graph below.

Do you want to get a handy overview per day? Simply set the calendar for ‘Details per hour’ to one day, for example from 10:00 to 21:00.

We also provide an overview of the productivity during the selected hours.

This line graph provides an overview of the revenue (green line) versus the costs. In this example we have not filled in the derived employee cost.

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