If you use Strobbo for your Dimona - declarations then you can do the same for your volunteers through Strobbo.
Strobbo does the S17 and O17 Dimona - declarations, these are respectively for volunteers in the sports sector and in the sociocultural sector.
Attention: You cannot activate this yourself and you have to request it through our chat with support.
You proceed as follows:
You go to the profile of the employee.
You go to the company- tab.
You can now select Dimona type S17 or O17.
When the employee clocks in, Strobbo will send the Dimona declaration to the NSSO. Also when you plan the employee, a Dimona declaration will be created which you still need to send. The declaration will also be send automatically when the employee clocks in.
If you want to create a Dimona declaration manually, you can now also select these 2 types.