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External contracts
External contracts
Cescia Vanhout avatar
Written by Cescia Vanhout
Updated over 12 months ago

When you link your planning with a temporary employment agency like Nowjobs, you need to send External Contracts to them via Strobbo.
In these guides, we inform you how to do this.

An overview of the table of contents:

You can find the External Contracts module under:

Planning - External Contracts

Please note: you cannot activate this module yourself; you need to check this with our Support Chat.

The External Contracts page

This page lists the contracts you have created in Strobbo. You can also send the contracts to your temporary employment agency here if they have a link to Strobbo.
If you work with the scheduling sync with Nowjobs, you can also send contracts to Nowjobs here.

Firstly, you get an overview of which user group each employee adheres to. You also get an overview of working hours in the work area and the status of the contract here.

If you want to send another contract, you can do so by selecting the box and then pressing "Request External Contracts" or the arrow behind the relevant contract (under actions).

Clicking on the loop takes you to the detailed overview of the contracts.

On this page, you can track the various statuses of the contract, and you get a clear picture of the latest status.

The status of contracts

A contract can have 4 statuses:

  • Draft: you still need to send the contract to the external party

  • Requested: we are awaiting feedback from the external party

  • Rejected: the contract has been refused

  • Approved: the contract has been approved and is properly arranged.

Working with External Contracts

When a working time is scheduled for an employee linked to the user group of the external party, we will create a contract in Strobbo.
This contract should be sent to the external party via Strobbo when sending the schedule or when changing/removing a working time for the employee.

When you send the working hours, you will see the above pop-up after sending. You can then choose to send the External Contracts via the green "Request External Contracts" button.
Tip: if you forget to send the contracts now, you can still select and send the contracts afterwards via the "External Contracts page".

At the top of the schedule, you will find the contract symbol with a red dot. A red dot is an indication that something still needs to be done. If you click on this, you will go to the External Contracts page. Here, you will receive a summary of the contracts requiring further attention

You get a clear overview of the status of the contract here. You can send draft contracts to the third party via the green send icon.

Hover over the contracts marked "Error" and you will get additional information about the error. This error originates from the third party and is not a setting in Strobbo.

Use the magnifying glass, to look at the details of the contract. Via the work schedule icon, scroll to the work time. This makes it easy to know which work time to adjust in case of an error.

If you want to resend a contract with an error, you can click on the "resend" icon.

How to recognise work time with an external contract

You can recognise working hours linked to an external contract because they have a contract symbol on the work time.
Below you can see a work time (green) with a contract and a regular Strobbo work time without a contract (grey).

The colour of the icon is linked to the status of the External Contract:

  • brown: draft

  • blue: requested

  • green: approved

  • red: rejected

Details of External Contracts

When you click on the details of the External Contracts you get an overview of the work time, the work area, who approved the contract (External party e.g. Nowjobs) and when the contract was approved.

You can also see the history of the contracts. For example, in the example below, the first contract was rejected and the second was approved. There is also a draft contract ready to send.

Suppose you have an approved contract. You make a modification, and then the contract is no longer approved. In that case, you can go back to the previous version that was approved. You do this by using the green "Restore" button on the details page.

The planning will also be adjusted back to the details of the last approved contract.
If it is not possible to restore a contract, the button is "light grey".

The contract to be restored is indicated by the grey dotted line.
The version you will get back is the last "approved" contract.

When a contract is rejected (or in error), and never approved before, you can now remove that planning with 1 click. Just use the button "remove worktimes".

Additional notification

If you use External Contracts, you have an extra notification on the homepage of Strobbo.
This way, you know that you still have to do something with some external contracts.

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