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New dashboard: illness
Cescia Vanhout avatar
Written by Cescia Vanhout
Updated over a week ago

The “Illness” dashboard can be used to gain insight into the illness days taken by your personnel. This is achieved using the registered sickness days (via absences and availability) and time registration.

To find more information on how reporting dashboards work in general, go to: General functioning of dashboards

Calculating the illness costs per month

The wage and the cost of the registered illness hours are calculated based on the wage and cost of the employee. You can add the wage and cost via "management - users".


As well as filtering by period and company, you can also filter by statute on this dashboard. ‘Not configured’ indicates the employees for whom no statute has been configured yet.

You can also filter by "illness type".

Here, you can see the types of absence which are set up as illness and which have occurred during the selected period. You can input an absence as a type of “Illness” via the settings within Absence Types. Find more information on these settings here.


At the top of the dashboard you'll find an overview. Here you have the total performance including absences in hours for the selected period and the selected company.
You'll also see the registered hours for the illness types. Plus you have an idea of the percentage per statute. Not configured indicates the employees from who no statute has been configured in the user profile.

Cost of illness per month

On this graph you find an overview of the illness cost for the selected period. If you have selected multiple companies the data will be added to the chart.

If you selected the current year as a period in the filters you can easily get an overview of the illness cost per month.

Illness percentage per month

This chart displays the illness percentage for the selected period. If you have selected multiple companies, the data will be added to the chart.
The best way to view this data is by looking at an individual chart per company.

Imagine selecting the current year in the filters, you can easily get an overview of the illness percentage per month.

Illness hours per company

This graph shows the number of illness hours per company for the selected period. This enables you to easily compare the illness hours between companies.

Illness hours per day

This graphic shows the amount of illness hours per weekday. This gives you more insight into the days with the most registered illness hours for your employees.

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