Exporting the details for one individual employee for payroll is easy.
Proceed as follows:
Navigate to the payroll page.
Then proceed as you would for a normal, full export.
All employees are selected as default. Check the “Pers. No.” box to deselect everyone.
If you haven’t selected anyone, the “Export to Excel” and “Export to payroll” buttons are greyed out so you can’t click them.
Then, you can enter the employee’s name in the search bar on the left.
Double-check that the data you see is correct
Now, you can see that the checkbox is automatically selected.
A (1) appears next to the “Export to Excel” and “Export to Payroll” text in the buttons.
This is the number of employees you have selected to export.
If you select all employees or multiple employees, you’ll see this number increase in the button.
Click “Export to payroll” to export for your payroll.
If you want the details in Excel, simply click “Export to Excel”.A pop-up appears allowing you to download the file.