

Cescia Vanhout avatar
Written by Cescia Vanhout
Updated over a week ago

When you open Strobbo, the first page you see is the home page.

On the left-hand side is the menu with options, such as:

  • Administration (for admins)

  • Planning

  • My schedule

  • Home

To return to the home page from another page, click on the uppermost icon and select ‘Home’.

The message board

In the centre of the homepage is the message board. Here you can easily share messages with your staff.

On the message board, among other things, you can:

  • share a photo with your staff;

  • share a file with your staff;

  • take a poll;

  • share a message.

Your staff can answer the poll, “like” a message or comment underneath it.

You could use this part of the platform to: share the work regulations, take a poll about the best team-building activity, share important tips or clothing and equipment rule and much more.

You can choose whether to share the message with everyone or just with management (Chefs).

Both managers and staff members can post a message on the home page.

Regular members of staff cannot pin a message in place – this has to be done by an admin or a chef. If you pin a message it stays at the top of the page.

If a member of staff posts a message on the page that you don’t approve of, you can simply click on the three dots and remove it.

Work information

Next to the message board, you also have the work information screen. Here you get an overview of all the details on the schedule for the month.
Below it you can see the legend with the various colour-coding information.


In the “notifications” section, you can find even more details. To find out more about a particular notification, you can always follow the “Click here” link to get more information.

Here you’ll find:

  • the users who still need approval;

  • the outstanding/unanswered holiday days;

  • the users who are clocked in.

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