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Absences and availability: overview of leave balances
Absences and availability: overview of leave balances

leave balances, verlofsaldo

Cescia Vanhout avatar
Written by Cescia Vanhout
Updated over 3 years ago

You can now also use the overview to add and export your employees’ leave balances.

How to find the leave balance screen:

- Go to “planning

- Click on "absences and availability"

- Click on “leave balances”

This guide covers the following points:

How this screen works

You get an overview of all the balances available to your employees. You can filter by employee or holiday type with the “filters” button.

A search bar has also been added, as you can see in the example below.

You also have two further buttons. The “export” button allows you to download the data to Excel and you can also assign leave through this screen, or adjust the balance of a certain type of leave. More on this later.

How to adjust a staff member’s remaining leave balance

Go to the line of the employee whose balance you want to adjust and click on the pencil at the bottom.

The following pop-up appears, where you will see:

- The name of the employee (cannot be changed)

- The type of holiday (cannot be changed)

- The opening balance

- The current balance

- The validity period

Make the necessary changes and click “save”.

When the balance has been successfully adjusted the following message will appear at the top of your screen.

How to add a leave balance

If there is not yet a leave balance for a particular employee, click on the green button “assign leave”.

The following pop-up appears, where you:

- Select the employee

- Choose the type of holiday

- Enter a starting balance

- Fill in the balance

The opening balance is the amount of leave the employee starts with at the. beginning of the year. This does not change throughout the year.

The balance can fluctuate, however, by taking holiday or accruing overtime, for example.

- Choose the validity period of the balance

Below is a completed example. Once you have entered everything correctly, click “save”.

If this is successful the following message will appear on your screen.

How to view the logs

To view the transactions, click on the following symbol.

A pop-up will open with a summary of the transactions.

How to remove a balance

You can delete a particular balance by clicking on the cross on the end.

The following pop-up appears. Select the applicable action.

Note: this cannot be undone.

If you cannot delete a type, it means that there are still holiday days associated with the type. These must be removed before you can continue.

How to export data

Click on the blue “export” button.

A pop-up then appears, in which you select:

- The validity date of the leave you want to export

- The type of leave you want to export

- You also have the option to export the hours for only a certain contract type

- Deselect the employees that you do not want to export

Once you have chosen all the necessary filters, click on “export” to download data to an Excel file.

How to import the data

You can also make an import from the exported file to update your employees’ absence balances.

Please note: It is important that you do not grant any absences between exporting and importing. This will result in the following error.

Working with the exported file has the advantage that all personnel data and holiday types are correct.

To import balances, proceed as follows.

  • Take an export of the desired data.

  • Make the necessary adjustments to the file.

  • Go to “Planning” - “Leave balances” and click “import”.

When you click on import, you have two options:

  • Add to current balances: The balance is added to the current balance

  • Overwrite current balance: The current balance is overwritten with the balance in the file.

If you want to overwrite the current balances, you can choose to

  • take into account leave requested in the future.

  • If you do this, you must select the date from which this is valid.

Click on import.

If your import is successful, you will see the message “import successful” at the top in green.

If your import is unsuccessful, you will receive an error message. The error message will always inform you about which lines need data adjustments.

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