Complete the contract intentions in Payroll
Employees not yet known to Payroll or employed under another statute, will appear with a red exclamation mark in your Payroll- package:
You need to complete these contract intentions before you can read the data of Strobbo.
2. Check the entry numbers of the employees
It is best to check if all employees have an entry number before uploading the data from Strobbo.
You can use the report 'Overview employees - entry numbers' (= overzicht werknemers- tiknummers) in Payroll under Report (Rapportering).
Employees that don't have an entry number yet, will show no value in the 'Entry number' column (= Tiknr).
You can find the entry number of the employees in Strobbo under Management - Users - To personnel overview - tab of your establishment.
Enter the entry number in Payrull under 'Fixed data - Contract' (= Vaste Gegevens - Contract).
Attention: the entry number has !!!7 numbers!!!, so personnel number 201 in Strobbo will become entry number 0000201.
3. Prepare an export file in Strobbo
Log in in Strobbo and make the export in the menu under Management - Social Secretariat. Do you want to be sure everything is going well? You can read this manual (Link will follow later).
Save the file which you export on your computer.
4. Import the data in your Payroll - package
Under the tab 'Company' (= Onderneming) you'll find the button 'Import time registration' (= tijdsregistratie importeren). Click this button.
Click on 'Select file' (= bestand selecteren). Navigate to the export file which you just saved and click on 'Open' (= Openen). Then click on upload (= opladen).
You'll see an overview of the involved employees and data the way they'll appear in Payroll after you save.
Check if there are any employees in red. You will still need to take an action for these employees.
Click on 'Save' to process the input of the other employees.
Doesn't the overview with the involved employees appear? Click on 'See mistakes' (= Fouten bekijken) to see what's not correct in the file.
If you see the error 'No employee with time entry number xxxxxxx under employer 1xxxxx known' (= Geen werknemer gekend met tiknummer xxxxxxx bij werkgever 1xxxxx)? Check if the entry number is registered on the tab 'Contract' of 'Fixed data' (= Vaste gegevens). If this is not the case, go to step 2.
If you see the error that multiple contracts have been found with entry number xxxxxxx? Please contact your Sd Worx file manager.
Do you have a new employee? Then you need to fill in his contract as soon as possible after his first Dimona. To do this it is very important to take over the entry number from Strobbo. If new contracts are made the number will automatically be adopted. If you don't straighten this out, you'll have to manually add the entry number in all contracts before you can import the Strobbo export.